Saturday, August 31, 2019

Effects Of Media On Globalization Essay

Media and globalization go hand in hand. Although researchers in both fields may have divergent views on the extent of influence of each on the other, it is evident that the two have a correlation and will always be in tandem. Terhi Rantanen acknowledges that media and globalization are closely interlinked. Whereas most communication scholars focus the role of media in the process of globalization they are opposed to media being relegated to a socio-cultural study. They think media affects all arenas globalization including politics and economics. On the other hand, experts of globalization are in agreement that globalization would be impossible without media and communications As the name suggests, globalization is to make something local go worldwide; to have a reach beyond the borders of one’s locality. Media does extend people beyond their national borders and globalization does affect media. The focus of this paper will be on the effects of globalization on media. It will determine how globalization has changed media in Britain through the: – Modifications in language of media. – Innovation and increased use of new media – Increased and profound focus   on global issues – A closer relationship and shared culture by people from different continents – Increased income and transnational corporations Media in Britain has had to adapt different languages to attract a new international audience. Globalization from a business perspective means leaving one’s country and selling one’s goods and services to another country. Therefore, it follows that one has to adjust to the national language of the people so as to trade. Media is a commercial venture like any other and making profit is the end goal. The audience reach, response and retention have to be massive to realize any benefits, monetary or otherwise. Evidently, the globe is the largest untapped market for British media. To maximise on this new frontier, one has to know and effectively apply the correct vocabulary, intonations and other aspects of language to capture and retain their attention of the prospective audience in a foreign country. The world has 6,912 living languages. It would be impossible to broadcast in all languages but a media institution that broadcasts or prints its information in the major and popular languages of the world has an advantage over a rival entity that only does so in English. Take an example of BBC World Service, the leading international broadcaster that broadcasts in 33 languages including Urdu, Swahili, Chinese, French, Shona, Spanish etc. Why does it do so? It diffuses its message in all these other languages because of globalization. BBC no longer appertains to the British. It is now an intercontinental brand name. Consequently, to boost the audience numbers, the national broadcaster has to present programs which non English speakers can also understand. BBC’s purpose for existence is ‘to enrich people lives with programmes and services that inform, educate and entertain,’ Indeed, if BBC had not started broadcasting 75 years ago in other languages, today it would not be the leading international broadcaster that it claims to be nor would have such universal brand recognition. Globalization has provoked the creation of new production for new media. As the labour costs and other production costs in the West including Britain rise to unprecedented heights, manufacturers of new media apparatus such as computer chips and other components are relocating their business to cheaper assemblage destinations. According to Lievrouw et al. new media is not only the content but also the infrastructure that supports production, distribution and exhibition of this content. They emphasize that institution of satellite broadcasting and telecommunication networks which sustain the seamless content supply, actively supports the globalization of new media. Also these networks encourage the international growth of local, regional and global markets. ‘Communication and new media systems have supported the expansion of business beyond national markets to a system whereby components are developed, manufactured, assembled, and sold far from where corporations (Transnational) exercise control. In short, globalization has encouraged advancement of communications technologies thus improving the quality and quantity of intercontinental information and commerce which has encouraged further globalization. This endless cycle has led to opening of factories in developing countries which benefit from the new income. The British Media has increased the coverage and space of international issues. They are running more in depth programs and writing feature articles on events taking part in other parts of the world. For instance, at the beginning of this year violence broke out in a tiny East Africa country called Kenya that was once a former colony of Britain. During this period Sky Broadcasting Corporation, British Broadcasting Corporation(BBC), the Daily Mail and The Guardian gave us blow by blow accounts of the breaking news. Why did they give so much time to such a story from a far off state? Well, Kenya was of great strategic to Britain. Britons have business interests and some have family members residing there. The world was really compressed because this chaos taking place in Kenya was part of their reality as well. Globalization has affected how Britons and the media understand the world. As the media advances and increases in complexity it is not enough to just listen, watch or read the news. Britons want more than just excerpts. The news, especially international news, are analysed; experts are summoned; explanations and predictions are made. Reuters diffuses political, economic and social news in over 23 languages through its wire services. This information comes complete with historical backgrounds and expert opinion. Globalization has in fact led to Vilanilam writes ‘Reuters main business is not simply transmitting news of daily political events it also supplies the media with news of financial transactions worldwide. . . . In short, the world’s financial transactions and their impact on the immediate and long term interests of its allies are of primary concern to Reuters. ’ Therefore because British media also has an interest in the global information, it has to reinvent itself and broaden its perspective so that it can keep with an audience that has increased consciousness of world around them. Bryn et al describe globalization as a schoolboy who listens in India who eats American cereal, listens to a Canadian pop singer is a schoolboy on a Japanese manufactured MP3 player, wears American Jeans , converses to his parents in Hindi, and goes for English language classes. This phenomenon has indeed has linked between people of different land masses together and in this same way it has helped to propel brand names from western countries to developing countries in the southern and eastern part of the hemisphere. How has it affected media in Britain? The media has played a part in this process and has benefited through transmission of adverts to foreign countries. British Media has extended its programming and publications to the other side of the globe. The Indian boy would get know all this brand names and the MP3 because he saw it in Sky International or BBC Click program. The media in Britain is enhancing the homogeneity of people with different racial, ethnic and political affiliations already began by the process of globalization. Hence, globalization and media have a symbiotic relationship The globalization trend has led to the rise of so called new media in Britain. Bill Jones says that, ‘By 2005, nearly 36 million people or nearly 60% of UK homes, have a PC . . . . ‘ . Globalization has forced Britons to modernize the way they access information. They no longer rely on the old media such as television and radio or newspapers. Nowadays Britons are spending more time at watching news, reading newspapers on the Internet. This is because globalization means that business, politics; society in general has gone global. To keep on top of what the trends, one has to have the fastest media available. The Web contains more information than any source of media. It can be portable and one does not have to be in a fixed place to access the precious information necessary for survival. Apart from the PCs Britons have Ipods to download music from their favourite international artists, MP3 players to watch their favourite UEFA club match. Globalization has brought economic growth to the media industry in terms of the massive annual incomes derived by companies who endeavour to globalize. O’Loughlin et al explain how there are now new entities called ‘transnational’ media corporations which extend beyond Britain. He gives an example of NewsCorp owned by Rupert Murdoch who has multi-million dollar interests in Asia and Britain. These corporations create job opportunities for media practitioners in Britain. This new media market is almost a trillion dollar industry in Britain and it will continue to grow. In conclusion, globalization has changed the media for the better and with time the face of media in Britain will have a different appearance because of influence from globalization. Consequently, globalization and media in Britain are ultimately and inextricable interconnected and symbiotic.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Lab Report Template

————————————————- [Overtype title of experiment here] ————————————————- Experiment conducted on [overtype date of experiment here] ————————————————- ————————————————- ————————————————- Module title: EUC_4_005 Design and Practice ————————————————- Occurrence Number: [Overtype your occurrence Number here] ——†”—————————————-Lab Group Number: [Overtype your lab group number here] ————————————————- Course: [Overtype name of course here] ————————————————- ————————————————- Student Name: [Overtype your name here] ————————————————- Student Number: [Overtype student number here] [overtype month and year here] London South Bank University Department of Urban Engineering Faculty of Engineering, Science and the Built Environment 103 Borough Road, London, SE1 0AA www . lsbu. ac. uk ContentsThe tables of contents for main text, tables and figures below are created by field codes. Do not edit them, but press F9 to update them. This red text is non-printing text Contents2 List of Tables2 List of Figures2 List of Appendices2 Summary3 Chapter 1Introduction4 Notes on writing the report4 Notes on using the template4 Chapter 2Apparatus and experimental procedure6 ApParatus6 Experimental Procedure6 Chapter 3Calculations and results7 Chapter 4Analysis and Discussion8 Chapter 5Conclusion9 References10 List of Tables Table 1. 1 This is table title style5 List of Figures Figure 1. This is figure title style5 List of Appendices Type below the Appendix letter and title of appendix for any appendices you have created in the manner as per the example below. If you have not used any Appendices, delete this part of the contents. This red text is non-printing text Appendix ATitle of Appendix A Summary You need to provide a structured summary of no more than 200 wor ds. Write up to two sentences against each of the parts of the abstract as indicated below. Aim of the experiment: summarise the aim of the experiment Methodology: the equipment and methodology employedResults: key results obtained Conclusion: your thoughts on what you achieved Introduction This chapter should explain the aims and objectives of the laboratory experiment and then briefly highlight the theory and background of the subject, and the relevancy and possible applications of the experiment. Refer to and cite relevant references. You should provide an overview of what is to come in the rest of the report in the final paragraph. You should save a copy of this template for reference purposes as it provides instructions on how to use the template.You should then use the template by overtyping. The rest of this chapter provides instruction on the use of the template. You should print a copy of the template as it now stands and this will from your ‘instruction manualâ€℠¢ for using the template. The you can overtype into the template. Notes on writing the report The laboratory report must use this template, be readable, informative and supported by high quality diagrams, graphs, tables as required. Write the report in the passive voice (as you have been taught in communications classes. Pay close attention to grammar and spelling.Use the past tense for describing the test that was undertaken, and the present tense for the outcomes and conclusions, again, as you have been taught in the communications classes. Always complete your report in good time and give it a very good proof read before submission. Although the laboratory data, and maybe some laboratory observations, are the same for all members of your laboratory group, make sure that the report represents your own thoughts, and in particular, the calculations and results, discussion and analysis, and conclusions should be your very own.Do not copy anything from either the laboratory sheets, ot her people or other sources. This is theft (also called plagiarism) and will not be tolerated. You should never need to include quotes from other sources. We do not usually do this in technical writing. If, however, you think you have to copy a sentence from somewhere else, then you should make clear that it is copied by putting it in speech marks and quoting the reference source and include it in the list of references in the references section. Notes on using the template StylesThis template uses styles The template uses styles and the following list summarises the names and specification of each style: Chapter heading (Style: Heading 1): verdana 12pt bold block capitals, keep with next line. Subheading (Style: Heading 2): verdana 10pt bold block capitals, keep with next line. Subheading (Style: Heading 3): verdana 10pt bold, keep with next line. Abstract text (Style: normal): verdana 10pt single line spacing. Main body text (Style: numbered para): verdana 10pt 1. 5 line spacing, paragraph numbers, one line spacing at end of paragraph. Bullet points (Style: bullet points: verdana 10pt 1. line spacing. Table text (Style: Table): verdana 9pt single line spacing. Figure title (Style: Figure Title): verdana 10pt bold, keep with next line. Table title (Style: table Title): verdana 10pt bold, keep with next line. Margins 2. 5cm all round. Page number at the bottom centre of each page. Styles are selected from the boxes in the home tab. Chapter numbers are generated automatically. Table and figure numbers need to be typed in manually. It is usual to number them with the chapter number followed by a full stop followed by a consecutive number within each chapter.To work with styles, you should work in WORD with the paragraph mark ( ¶) showing. Losing the paragraph number may occur if you hit the carriage return twice. Simply select the text where the paragraph number has been last and reselect the style â€Å"numbered para†. Tables and Figures To insert a ta ble use the usual ‘Table’ option from the ‘insert’ menu, then select the table and convert it to the ‘Table’ style. To look neat, ensure the margins of the table are within the margins of the text and carefully choose which borders to mark with lines. Use ‘Table Title’ style for table titles. Table 1. 1 This is table title style | Description| Description| Row title| Data| Data| Row title| Data| Data| Total| total| Total| Figure titles use the Figure title style. The paragraph the figure is inserted against should be in ‘Normal’ style. Figure 1. 1 This is figure title style It is best to centre the figure, and to size it so that it is within the margins of the text. Note that every table and figure should be introduced in the text before it occurs. It should then be commented on and evaluated in the text after it has occurred.You are the writer, you cannot expect the reader to interpret the tables and figures: that is your job as the writer. Apparatus and experimental procedure ApParatus List and describe the apparatus and other relevant background equipment used to perform the experiment. A diagram or photograph with superimposed names of parts may help. Experimental Procedure You should describe the procedure that you followed to perform the laboratory experiment. In particular, mention differences from the anticipated procedure as described on the handout.For example, you may need to explain in finer detail than is described on the laboratory briefing sheet the complexity of operation of the laboratory experiment. You should detail the assessments of risk that may have been undertaken before undertaking the laboratory, together with the approach taken to minimise the probability of those risks occurring and the magnitude of any consequences of them occurring. You may also need to illustrate the experimental procedure. Calculations and results This section should report all essential calculatio ns using the appropriate formulae and units.If there are repeated calculations, then show only one typical calculation on the data obtained from the experiment and present this result with the other results obtained from, for example, your use of a spreadsheet. Any detailed and lengthy calculations should be attached as an appendix. In this section, you are expected to present the data and results in tables, graphs, and the results from spreadsheets as appropriate indicating the major results obtained from such experiment. Analysis and DiscussionIn this section, which is the most important part of your report, you should present a thorough examination of your results and the behaviour of the test as well as tested materials, and you should compare that with the theoretical and ‘standard’ values and behaviour stated in related sources such as textbooks and manuals. You should also state the main outcomes in terms of your learning from the experiment and any reflections o n your knowledge. Conclusion and Recommendations The conclusions should be brief and stated in concise statements based on your analysis and discussion.It is important to refer to the major findings and results by values. It may be suitable to mention here any possible improvements to the experiment and its outcome and any possible further work or investigations. References The reference list should contain an alphabetical listing of reference sources according to References should be in accordance with help sheet 30, available from the following url: http://www. lisa. lsbu. ac. uk/helpsheets/hs30. pdf. * * Appendix A Title of the appendix (For raw data, laboratory observations and detailed calculations). *

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Ben and Jerry

Their mission statement included three dimensions; product, economic, and social. Their objectives were not always in harmony, however. They’ve had to sacrifice some objectives to meet others, for example they didn’t want to rice prices due to the fact they wanted to be a â€Å"ice cream for the people† company, but had to sacrifice the social objective in order to stay in business. Of their three mission statement objectives, their social consciousness seems to be their leading objective. BenJerry donates 7. 5% of their pretax earnings to charities and foundations. I think that the current takeover offers are justifiable. The pre-offer announcement share prices were $21 per share. The price per share as of November 1999 was $25. The worth to the bidders is in the brand name of BenJerry, and in the eyes on the ice cream consumers, BenJerry’s is a respectable brand. Given that the sales per-share were . 34, their bids are in line with that. The EPS is $1. 06 per-share. Morgan should support one of the acquisition offers. The company in recent years hasn’t done as well, and some of the offers are very intriguing. They are overpaying in comparison to the pre-offer share price of $21 per share, and in the likely event that BenJerry’s can survive on its own, its best to take one of the offers and merge with a company who may have better advantages. Its his job to look out for the shareholder and not the com

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Research paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 3

Research paper - Essay Example In addition, the course has helped to ward off my ignorance about the environment, culture, geopolitics, oil, Islam, conflict and war in the Middle East region. From the course, I learned the importance of global significance of the Middle East to the entire world. The Arab world has a significant value at political, cultural, economic, and religious levels domestically, regionally and internationally. The significance of religion in the region centers on the fact that it is perceived to be the original place of single or monotheistic Islam (Mohamed n.d). There is changing nature of geopolitics in the Middle East or Arab world in the sense that the impact of Iranian and Turkish rapprochement will make the Middle East nations to experience pressure from Iran and worsen the situation in Iraq, Lebanon, and Syria. These complexities and pressure may have been exacerbated by the U.S president’s recent moves. Combined, the nightmare in the Middle East has been redoubled. The United Arabs Emirates, Jordan, and Saudi Arabia form an effective political bloc in the Middle East. These countries would soon come up with a single currency for the Gulf countries thus isolating certain Middle East countries such as Iran, Palestine, and Kuwait. Israel has isolated itself and formed a formidable relation with the U.S. For instance, I learned that currently, both Israel and the U.S. clearly expressed their goal to control their competitors economically throughout the next 10 years. Furthermore, California is currently a laboratory for energy research and development led by Israel such as the Bright source Company energy. It is vital to note that the U.S. support to Israel is destroying the country. The U.S. is been supporting Israel financially when its own internal economy is weak or struggling (Wright 78). Issues and problems in the Middle East The main issues and problems in the Middle East are the water crisis, war or conflict and dictatorship. In countries of Middle E ast, water shortage is a common problem. For example, in Jordan ‘the drying of streams has led to the lowering of water levels across the country. The water scarcity or shortage in the Middle East has been attributed to the extremely dry climate and the rapid economic development of the country supported the increase of population, which, in its turn, led to the increase of need for water (Wright 89). Water has an additional economic aspect in countries that have scarce water resources. Due to this, the Arab world or Middle East import water for both agricultural and domestic use. This is costly because under certain circumstances, the needs surpass the availability of the resources. The above issue is of critical importance if taking into consideration the fact that the needs for water tend to be increased in countries where the rate of increase of population is high; in Middle East countries such trends have been reported the last decade. For example, the population of Abu D habi ‘has been increased with an annual rate of 6.5% since 1975. In addition, in Jordan, a key member of the Arab league or Middle East, the needs for water supply are expected continuously increase for the next 27 years. The crisis of water in the Arab world or Middle East has been worsened by the deteriorating quality of water in recent years. The utilization of water for industrial, agricultural,

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Strategic ManagementProvide a strategic analysis of Marks and Spencer Essay

Strategic ManagementProvide a strategic analysis of Marks and Spencer and make recommendations for its future development and direction - Essay Example Their finance division is currently tiny, but growing rapidly. 300 out of 379 stores are in the UK; their European stores are run as franchises; they also have US subsidiaries under different names. They sell 35% of the UK lingerie market, 25% of men's suits, and 50% of chilled ready meals. For more than half a century Marks & Spencer was the epitome of enlightened capitalism, dominating the British high street and providing shoppers with quality and value clothing unrivalled by competitors. Then in November 1998, profits began to fall and an attempted boardroom coup rocked the company to its core as a tale of ambition, treachery and incompetence unfolded. Within a few months the Press declared open season on what had been its favourite retailer and suddenly the company that had been unable to do any wrong, could do no right. New management and armies of consultants have worked frantically to reverse the trend and in the autumn of 2001, George Davies the creator of Next, launched a new range of fashionable clothes to tempt shoppers back. Whether or not he succeeds, Marks & Spencer may never regain its former status. Organization culture: It is the 'basic assumptions and beliefs that are shared by members of an organization, that operate unconsciously and define in a basic taken-for granted fashion an organization's view of itself and its environment'. Such taken-for-granted assumption are also likely to exist at the organizational level-the organizational paradigm-and can be especially important as an influence on the development of organizational strategy. The 80's saw a massive growth of interest in culture and symbolism in organisations by practitioners as well as academics. Culture and symbolism is about meaning and imagery. They are terms used to highlight the softer' features of organisation. The patterning of action within organisation is treated as a web of meanings and symbols rather than as a hard' structure or system. The key to both understanding organisations and to controlling organisations is seen to lie in their analysis as cultures (e.g. values, myths, ceremonies, etc.). The explanation of why people act as they do may lie not in a combination of "objective" and "subjective" factors, but in a network of meanings which constitute a "world taken for granted" (Schutz, (1964) by the participants. Indeed, "objective" factors, such as technology and market structure, are literally meaningful only in terms of the sense that is attached to them by those who are concerned and the end to which they are related... Organisations do not react to their environment, their members do. People act in terms of their own and not the observer's definition of the situation' (Silverman's, 1970) A key for sustainability of all organization is to change and evolve continuously to match with its environment out side its window in which it operates. Until the late 1990s M&S have been very successful. It worked to achieve this esteem by applying a structured formula to all its operations and maintained it by establishing a set of fundamental principles, which were held as core to the organization and used in all of its business activities since its birth. Their paradigm help them in the past but the same paradigm didn't worked in the

Monday, August 26, 2019

HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT - Assignment Example In the job position the following things will be considered as vital: The title for particular job position Job responsibilities Critical success factors Official reporting link Supports, authority and assets needed along with accessibility for the job (Commonwealth of Massachusetts, 2009) Advertisement for Job Position After formulating the job description, there is a need to advertise for the job vacancy so as to inform the potential candidates regarding the job openings. Advertisement has emerged as a very significant and common basis for generating manpower in Human Resource Management practices. The advertisement for the post of nurse practitioner and medical records clerk will be given through online websites so as to reach a larger population or young candidates stating the specific position duties. It will be beneficial for appealing appropriate candidates for the positions. In the internet advertisements, the following information will be provided: A summary of job positions which includes fields of works and language requirements An explanation of obligations and accountabilities which classifies the major jobs to be performed by the employee The minimum qualification requirement for fulfilling the position such as educational certificates, special skills, etc The advertisement will be exhibited on one of the popular job websites named ‘’. The cost of advertising on ‘’ will amount to be around 390 USD/job. Thus, to advertise two posts for job advertisement the cost will be around (390?2=) 780 USD (Careerbuilder, n.d.). Selection Process The selection process will conducted in four phases, which are: Screening of Application Forms Before selecting employees, it is essential to lessen the candidates to a manageable amount. With this concern, the initial screening will be conducted with the application forms and resumes of the candidates. The accurate information will be assessed against the lea st adequate requirements with respect to job specifications. The statistical technique will be used for screening of application forms. After checking the measurable aspects of candidates, the reliability of candidates will be evaluated. Any gap during education years or any kind of indefinite information will be identified and followed up in the interview stage (Pattanayak, 2005). Testing After initial screening of candidates, tests will be conducted for evaluating the intelligence, aptitude and skills of the selected candidates. For the post of medical records clerk, aptitude test of candidates will be conducted with the aim of measuring their ability or underlying skills to absorb the given job responsibilities if adequate training is provided. For the post of nurse practitioner, achievement test will be conducted for assessing candidates’ pertinent capabilities. The achievement test will be applied to varied series of nursing tasks ranging from patient care to clinical ac tivities. The candidates will be selected on the basis of performance on those tests (Bernardin, 2008). Interview Interview will be conducted for measuring the profile of candidates and associating it with job appropriateness. Interview is widely

Porters Six Forces on Business Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Porters Six Forces on Business - Research Paper Example One of the routes to success for this business is its ability to understand its rivals’ actions and marketing techniques. The extent to which competition exists among rivals varies between sectors and the market sectors in them. The food industry and specifically the retail segment is very competitive (Mollona, 2010:27). Considering that this business is in the food retail sector, it must recognize the presence of an extent of competition in the industry. There are a lot of companies and their products are tailored to outmatch each other (Wetherley & Otter, 2011:37). As a result, this business must know what it faces and might face in its operations. Failure to do this will probably contribute to its downfall before the six-month window closes. However, regardless of the number of rivals, this business faces it is important for its durability that it understands the differences between its competitors. This information is vital when designing its strategy and it cannot be acco mplished by simply employing two indices, e.g. the company size and market share, or sales income and market capitalization (French, 2009:12). The business should use two indices to gauge its competitive edge and those of its competitors: HHI (Herfindahl-Hirschman Index)This is more sophisticated than the CRx. It measures the size of firms in relation to the sector and shows the level of competition amongst these firms (Boone, 2012:39). The HHI also provides more weighting to large firms.

Sunday, August 25, 2019

The Aspect of Gay Marriage in the Society Term Paper

The Aspect of Gay Marriage in the Society - Term Paper Example Several thesis statements can be used to give the view of gay marriage in society. It can be based on people’s standards and perception of culture. One such thesis statement states that perception and existing idea about wrongness and rightness of individual’s actions depends on culture from which they come from and geographical region of their existence. Gay marriage Every society has cultural ethics that shape it up. These cultures are enforced as daily norms and way of life in which every member of the society respects and follows. Marriage in society is given much weight since it is regarded as a fundamental unit in family creation where society is advanced and continuity guaranteed (Majeed, 2004). Just like all marriages, gay marriage involves union of two partners. This case becomes different since it involves same-sex partners. They are allowed to have same set of legal rights as that which is held by heterosexual spouses. Several countries have legalized gay mar riage which has led to heated debates and conflicts between religious groups and gay parties involved. Acceptance and reinforcement of legal rights of the gay existence in society has become a dangerous threat to domination of traditional Christian norms regarding sexuality and sex. Several ethics rule and guide the society since they set symbols of what is generally accepted. Every religious society fears that supporting homosexuality will lead to massive breakdown of values. Ethics are values that protect and hold together family and society. Different cultures also have different views regarding issue of gay marriage but generally societies are formed behind believe of heterosexual marriage and it is perceived to be the natural way of life (Majeed, 2004). Ethical consideration Ethics are considered to be cultural values that shape individuals way of life. All ethical views are relative to individual preference within the society.  

Saturday, August 24, 2019

W3HIAEffective project management in an organizational context Assignment

W3HIAEffective project management in an organizational context - Assignment Example 4. Outline Methods That You Would Consider In Building an Effective Project Team 6 References 7 Q.1. Evaluate How the Different Project Interface (I.E., With Rest of the Organisation and With the Outside World) Are Different When Managing A Virtual Project Team Compared To Managing A ‘Collocated’ Project Team Project management is regarded as one of the crucial activities of an organisation which tends to plan, organize and execute available resources towards the attainment of organisational targets. This particular approach can also be seen in Starbucks Corporation wherein the company develops both virtual and collocated teams for ensuring smooth conduct of effective project management related practices within the organisation. However, the organisation has the need to develop different strategies in order to maintain the two aforementioned teams. In managing virtual project team, the organisation needs to manage goals, build effectual communication and keep people moti vated in a diverse way. Setting clear goals is important in managing virtual teams for the purpose of facilitating the teams to clarify any sort of doubt. Additionally, proper communication is also a key variable which can be used in managing virtual teams in the context of project management. ... The company manages these teams through analyzing their daily activities (Trautsch, 2003). Q. 2. Synthesize Views from Your Wider Academic Reading on How You Might Best Communicate and Coordinate Your Virtual Project Team As mentioned in the above discussion, proper communication is one of the vital variables which is quite useful in managing a virtual project team effectively. It can be affirmed in this similar concern that proper communication can be possible with the adherence of certain useful approaches in dealing with virtual project team. One of the approaches is the implementation of electronic communication which includes e-mail and telecommunication among others. Through this approach, the organisation needs to interact periodically with virtual team members which will ensure building proper communication. Furthermore, the approach of communication will also include building greater relationship of trust with the virtual team members along with clearly stating them about th e expectations of the organisation. Apart from this, the organisation will also need to adopt effective communication techniques that involve less time. Coordination is a problem in virtual project team as the team is not located close to the organisation on a regular basis. In order to strengthen this aspect, the organisation needs to design its project clearly and precisely. It is also important that virtual team understands what the actual needs of the project and how to proceed for the same. This will ensure forming greater coordination amid every member of the virtual project teams (Witthaus & et. al., 2008). Q.3. Comment in Your Paper on the Relevance of the Problems and Suggestions Shown On Page 232. Show How Your Wider

Friday, August 23, 2019

Marketing Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words - 1

Marketing - Assignment Example The entire process of marketing involves a set of four key principles which are commonly referred to as the 4Ps of marketing, these key principles are place, product, price and promotion. Over time, the concept of 4Ps has gradually been developed to now to the more inclusive 7P’s of marketing. The 7P’s of marketing include the traditional for key principles of product, promotion, place and price, however in addition to these core principles the 7Ps also include the principles of positioning, packaging and people. Before conducting any marketing activities it is quite useful for companies to consider these principles as being a key starting point in carrying out market research. It is important that they establish what exactly are the customer requirements in relation to these principles. Since it was founded in 1943, IKEA has undergone a rapid growth that has seen it grow to now being considered as the world’s most successful mass-market retailer focusing on the sale of house goods and Scandinavian-style home furnishings. IKEA hosts an estimated 410 million shoppers each year across its 276 stores located in 25countries. None of the proposed designs are ever allowed into the company’s catalogue if they are deemed to not be affordable. IKEA’s primary objective it to attempt to create better everyday lives for people around the world while showing concern about both people and the environment. Low prices are considered to be a key attraction of the IKEA concept and this has enabled the company attract more customers who want to buy products from it. To promote its products, IKEA carefully uses a number of modern methods that include internet sales and free home delivery of purchased products (dircon, 2014). Since its establishment by Adnan Sweid, Portakabin Prefab Houses and DÃ ©cor LLC has grown to an extent that its

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Aircraft on Ground Essay Example for Free

Aircraft on Ground Essay In the case of Bennett Solutions, if the support assembly does not fit, do we need to build the tree into a recursive model of considering buying another new part from Miami supplier or buying another from ARC, etc.   can we just end that branch of the tree taking into account the cost of returning the product and the reduced refund price? A: There is no set answer, so make whatever assumption you think is reasonable, state it clearly, and proceed with it. Q: Is the cost of rebooking per passenger another decision tree? What we are trying to figure out is the % of load (occupied seats) and % of passengers looking to rebook same day etc. that are to be used as fixed for calculations or as uncertainities. A: Try to make as few assumptions as possible. As a general guideline, when the case gives you enough data (e. g. , historical numbers, estimates, etc), such that you can compute a number directly, try to do that, instead of introducing new elements in the decision tree. Q: Is it possible to fly an empty plane from Santiago to Miami in order to avoid a cancelled Miami – Santiago flight? A: Carefully read the notes at the end of the case one of them should stipulate something about this. Q: How long does it take to make the actual repair to the system once the parts arrive in Santiago? A: Make an assumption that you consider easonable, state it clearly, and proceed from there Q: Consider the sentence: â€Å"However, since this is a current initiative, there is only a 35% to 50% probability that support assemblies of different fleets will fit perfectly and hence are interchangeable. There is no way to know in advance, this has to be checked on the aircraft when the component is installed†. Does the above apply only t o the part supplied by Bennett or it applies to the other suppliers? A: It is safe to assume that it only applies to Bennett Cargo Sales as it refers only to the support assembly.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Internet Small Computer System Interface Essay Example for Free

Internet Small Computer System Interface Essay A heterogeneous network of both IP-based SAN’s and FCP-based SAN’s should be setup based on a standard naming convention in order to facilitate communication between the client applications and the SAN which stores information. The network architecture should ideally be setup using a naming convention which is simple and precise, whilst facilitating communication between all of the network resources. This technique is based on having a convention which links a variety of technologies together as well as other resources seen on a network. A heterogeneous network consists of various network nodes with various protocols and operating systems in operation together. In the case of a Storage Area Network (SAN), the various operating systems in use on the network need to be able to see the remote storage volumes as if they are locally attached, therefore speed is essential to the successful working of a SAN. The use of a descriptive naming convention is also important as it means problem identification can be made easier and helps to minimize operator errors on the network. There are a number of protocols in operation on every network, and the need for an efficient protocol for SAN use is paramount. The current options for running a SAN are to use standard TCP/IP protocols namely the Internet Small Computer System Interface (iSCSI) protocol, or to use a specific protocol called FCP which usually operates over bespoke fiber infrastructure. These protocols are different in the way they operate, however can in fact be used together to improve the performance of a SAN. A naming convention suitable for a TCP/IP based network is very different to a naming convention for an FCP based network. TCP/IP is a network protocol which is used for communication between resources on a standard LAN, however FCP is a protocol which sends SCSI commands via a fiber optic cable to remote storage devices. The iSCSI protocol allows various network storage resources to be identified and used over standard network protocols, which requires compliance with the standard network naming policy, yet which enables the specific nature of their operation to be identified. Naming conventions for the LAN and SCSI storage devices should comply with standard network naming conventions. The servers and iSCSI devices which operate on a network should be been named in compliance with a standard policy and should be unique on the switch fabric of the network. Standard SAN naming conventions should be created with a few factors in mind, each component should be named based on its physical location, what it connects to, which database it is used by, and another unique field of identification. Naming conventions are important because they can save administrators time and effort, and must be created whilst considering many factors. Initially there must be a system whereby network names are created centrally and uniquely so that duplicate records are not made. This naming approach must be consistent throughout the network, and it must be applied across the entire organization regardless of location or operation. This element of the naming convention helps to prevent the duplicity or confusion of network names and is required to enable a high performance network to operate. This issue is not so important when dealing with an FCP-based SAN, because the devices are connected by a separate network of fiber which cannot usually be accessed by resources on the standard network which do not use specific applications or databases. In conclusion the operation of a storage area network relies on speed and an efficient and effective naming system which is able to be managed, diagnosed and repaired where necessary in the simplest and most cost effective way possible. This must be done consistently when using the standard TCP/IP protocol, however specific FCP SAN protocol allows for a much simpler convention.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Characteristics In Autism Children Psychology Essay

Characteristics In Autism Children Psychology Essay Approximately one in every 88 children in the United States has been diagnosed with Autism, also known as Autism Spectrum Disorder, a complex neurodevelopmental disorder of unusual social and communication behaviors that begins in early life (Peterson and Barbel, 2013). This type of disorder has been more prevalent in recent years, occurring primarily in children. Even though many researchers have not yet found the exact cause of autism, they have pointed out several possible risk factors that contribute to autistic individuals. Without a specified cause of autism and universal intervention, the challenges of diagnosing and having care for the disorder causes more difficulty. However, it is important for parents to seek early intervention for children with autism. This causes many controversies and confusions from diagnosis to treatment. Yet, it is expected that new research will assist in discovering some of these mysteries aspects of autism. Characteristics in Autism Children with autism show a wide range of signs and symptoms that vary from child to child. It is difficult to phrase all the characteristics and signs into simple words. Characteristics found in autistic children have appeared in early ages, from toddlers to infants. However, they may improve overtime as the child develops. A study has been designed to assess the parents experiences regarding with their autistic child, and the majority of the parents said that the autistic child experiences unusual verbal communications and motor behavior (Guinchat et al, 2012). Additional core symptoms are unusual interests in activities or play (usually focus on little things of the toy, get upset at little things), nonverbal/ verbal communication (unable to interpret emotions, catch meaning in a word, delay or lack of communication skills), and social interactions and relationships (unable to make eye contact, make friends, feel what other people are feeling). This research was done to help docto rs to easily diagnose patients that are at risk of autism. However, this is a spectrum disorder, meaning that this affects each individual to a certain degree, ranging from mild to severe. Each child with ASD has his or her own individual pattern of unusual behavior that some parents questioned, what is wrong with their child. As a result, it is suggested that early detection of autism is up the parents and will make a huge difference on the childs life. Risk factors Many individuals questioned the cause of autism, but the question has remained open. The biggest mystery in the study of autism appears that researchers have linked possible risk factors. Autism diagnosis suggested that a combination of environmental and genetic risk factors contribute to higher chances of autism (Deth, Muratore, Benecry, Power-Charnitsky and Waly, 2008). Exposure to toxins or pollution, such as pesticides in the environment generates an increased chance of autism during pregnancy, and those toxins surrounds a genes DNA can affects the gene activity (Shelton, Hertz-Picciotto and Pessah, 2012). In addition, another study has shown that genetics influences the risk of autism; gene mutations and sex chromosomes are linked to ASD. Medical conditions with syndromes such as Fragile X syndrome, Rett syndrome, and tuberous sclerosis have shown signs of autism characteristics, but further research is still needed to prove this point (Johnson, Giarelli, Lewis, and Rice, 2013). Although much research has been conducted to build this mysterious case, researchers have yet to come up with a definite conclusion to the cause of autism. There are also controversial claims that mirror neurons are found to be delayed or dysfunctional in autism, but there is no evidence that mirror neurons in humans illustrate that correlation. Giacomo Rizzolatii, a scientist at the University of Parma, discovered mirror neurons in macaque monkeys; when the monkey observes an action from an individual, the monkey copies the same action (2004). He believes that humans behave in much the same way. The role of mirror neurons give us the ability to imitate, have empathy, and ability to understand social cues. According to an article in the Journal of Psychiatric Neuroscience and Therapeutic (2010), most children develop strong mirror activity while autistic individuals seem to have weak mirror neurons in their youth that lead to social deficits (Bastiaansen et al). However, other studies did not find mirror neuron contribute to the autistic individuals. IIan Dinstein and his colleagues doubted the mirror neuron hypothesis. His research fou nd that when the brains were scanned, there were no differences between autistic and normal individuals while the individuals performed specific tasks (Dinstein et al, 2010). Some studies show that autistic individuals mirror neurons are slower than usual while viewing the emotions or actions of others while other studies do not (Ramachandran, 2006). Due to the opposing conclusions of different studies with regard to the mirror neuron hypothesis, the link between mirror neurons and autism remains controversial. Early Intervention Evidence suggests the importance of early intervention in autistic children. Children who enter programs at younger ages will improve autism symptoms than those who enter programs at older ages. One approach to the early invention is the Early Start Denver Model (ESDM). According to the article in Journal of the American Academy of Child Adolescent Psychiatry (2012), autistic children who received the ESDM intervention, which involves structured teaching, a relationship-based approach, showed substantial improvements in IQ, language, adaptive behavior, and autism diagnosis (Guinchat et al). Second approach to the early intervention is the Applied Behavior Analysis Programs, most notable treatment approach. This approach maximizes the encouragement of positive behaviors while discouraging negative behavior in order to improve a variety of skills (Matson et al, 2012). Another approach is the therapy-based intervention. This approach provides a specific therapy that targets specific di fficulties such as speech/language therapy, physical therapy, and occupational therapy. There are many kinds of interventions that can help to treat autism, and parents should take action as soon as possible, even if his or her child is not at risk of autism. Geraldine Dawson, Ph.D., a chief science officer of Autism Speak, suggested that even brief intervention will result in better improvements of social behavior such as imitation and small changes due to early preschool program will give some benefits to young children with autism (2012). Also, encouraging the child to play with objects and communication is important in early development. That being said, imitating others will help improve other aspects of autism. An example of how early intervention is involved is my little cousin, Conner. I did not understand the characteristics of autism before doing this research paper. Every time we had family gatherings and I tried to acknowledge him, he would run away in fear toward a nonfamily member. I stepped aside and asked his mother what his problem was. She told me he is diagnosed with autism and has some difficulties approaching other people. As I observed, he looked normal. The nonfamily member is a behavioral intervention specialist, also known as his nanny, who watches over him. He would not interact with the other little cousins, but only with his nanny. According to his mother, he was not able to be accepted into day care due to his special needs. He is the only family member that is autistic. Conclusion Overall, doing a research paper on this topic led me to determine that autism is an extremely difficult disorder to understand. This topic on autism will evolve over time and further research will be conducted with the aim of discovery of the causes and proper treatment. The biological aspect of the disorder is a mystery. Continued research on the development of the autistic child relative to a normal child will assist in diagnosing and treating. With the help of diagnosis, we can develop proper early intervention techniques to positively reduce the disorders effects. There are many research ventures that are being done concerning this disorder. The purpose of this research for future is to enhance awareness to parents about their early child that maybe at the risk of autism. Additionally, they can seek characteristics followed by early intervention that will help easily diagnosis and treat.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Daniel Pearl :: essays research papers

The tape began with the Wall Street Journal reporter saying, "My name is Daniel Pearl. I'm a Jewish-American. My father is Jewish. My mother is Jewish. I am a Jew." Then, looking at the camera, he recounted numerous family visits to Israel and noted that a street in a town in Israel was named after his great-grandfather, who was one of the founders of the town. Pearl's kidnappers had accused him of being an agent for the CIA and for the Mossad, Israel's intelligence agency. The Wall Street Journal and the U.S. government adamantly denied that he was a spy. The family of Daniel Pearl has established a charity "to support the causes to which he dedicated his life." Following the discussion of Pearl's heritage, there was a clear edit in the tape. Pearl can be seen looking at the camera and struggling to make statements from memory. "Not knowing anything about my situation, not being able to communicate with anybody, and only now do I think about some of the people in Guantanamo Bay. They must be in a similar situation, and I have come to realize that this is the sort of problem that Americans are going to have anywhere in the world now," he said. Among the demands Pearl's kidnappers had made is that Pakistani nationals being held by the U.S. military at the Guantanamo Bay base in Cuba be released. The detainees are associated with the al Qaeda network and the deposed Taliban government of Afghanistan. Pearl then looked off camera and makes this statement: "We can't be secure, we can't walk around free, as long as our government policies are continuing and we allow them to continue." There is another clear edit in the tape, and Pearl then is shown saying, "We as Americans cannot continue to bear the consequences of our government's actions, such as the unconditional support of the state of Israel." In the tape, Pearl does not appear to have been beaten. In some segments, his hair is mussed, while in others, it is slicked back. The section of the videotape where Pearl is seen speaking lasts about 90 seconds. As he speaks, pictures of bodies and funerals and words, such as "Afghanistan," are superimposed on the screen. According to Chung, that portion of the tape is then followed by a 50-second section containing graphic scenes of violence against Pearl.

Marlowes Doctor Faustus Essays -- Marlowe Doctor Faustus Essays

Marlowe's Doctor Faustus In Faustus' first speech in Act 1, my main feeling towards Faustus was not sympathy but irritation. I became aware of Faustus' arrogance and his impatience with ordinary learning, particularly with his referral to law as 'a petty case of paltry legacies.' He also constantly refers to himself as 'Faustus', reminding himself of his own importance. Other aspects of Faustus' character are revealed in the descriptive language he uses. He is 'ravish'd' by magic, and is 'glutted' with learning. These adjectives show a very sensual personality. The good and bad angels represent the two different sides of his personality, one side urging him to sell his soul for magic and the other urging him to remember that heaven is 'his chiefest bliss'. Faustus seems to be a very worldly character in his first speech but when he speaks of what he will do with his 'heavenly' powers, they are very small goals. Faustus shows his true colours as a student when he tells Cornelius and Valdes that he will 'fill the public schools with silk' and make 'the Rhine circle fair Wittenberg'. These aims show his loyalty to his home and to his students. In the first scene, the main thing I notice about Faustus is his naà ¯vety. He does not realise the horrors of hell, partly through his determination not to believe in it, and partly through Cornelius' and Valdes' influence, as they give him the magic books with no warning as to their power. After Faustus summons Mephostophilis, he seems to quite flippant towards holy things, and even orders the devils to change. He tells Mephostophilis to 'return and old Franciscan friar, that holy shape becomes a devil best'. The first thing Faustus does when he summons Mephost... ...s ironic as she is conjured, and a devil. Faustus' pleading becomes increasingly desperate and he says he would give up everything for being saved. Even 'that I had never seen Wittenberg, never read book'. His very last offer to Lucifer is 'I will burn my books!' This shows his desperation as this would be the ultimate sacrifice for Faustus, the ultimate scholar. Throughout the play, my sympathy for Faustus varies in intensity. I feel most sympathy in the final scene, when he wishes to repent, but cannot. However, it is difficult to conjure up much sympathy for Faustus as he brought his fate on himself. He had opportunities to redeem himself and rejected them time and time again. He cannot be classed as a tragic hero as he has too many faults. Faustus is arrogant, vain, materialistic, and naà ¯ve. All these characteristics eventually lead to his downfall.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Love, Hate, and Marriage in Much Ado About Nothing :: Much Ado About Nothing Essays

Love, Hate, and Marriage in Much Ado About Nothing      Ã‚   In William Shakespeare's comedy "Much Ado About Nothing", the characters Beatrice and Benedick are involved in what could only be called a "love/hate" relationship.  Ã‚   The play is a classic example of this type of relationship, and allows us to view one from the outside looking in.        Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Both Beatrice and Benedick are strong-willed, intelligent characters, who fear that falling in love will lead to a loss of freedom and eventually heartbreak.   This causes them to deny their love for each other and it is only through the machinations of other characters in the play that their true feelings emerge.   When these feelings are finally acknowledged, both characters are changed, but the changes are subtle.   They are neither drastic nor monumental.   Both remain who they were before, but now they the two are one. They gain everything and lose nothing.   Whether or not their love would have bloomed without the help of their friends, we will never know.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In the beginning of the play, Beatrice and Benedick do not seem to like each other very much, if at all.   This can be seen in Act I; Scene I, (line 121- 131):      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   BENEDICK:  Ã‚  Ã‚   God keep your ladyship still in that mind! so some   gentleman   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   or other shall 'scape a predestinate  Ã‚  Ã‚   scratched face.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   BEATRICE:  Ã‚  Ã‚   Scratching could not make it worse, an 'twere such   a face as   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   yours were.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   BENEDICK:  Ã‚  Ã‚   Well, you are a rare parrot-teacher.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   BEATRICE:  Ã‚  Ã‚   A bird of my tongue is better than a beast of yours.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   BENEDICK:  Ã‚  Ã‚   I would my horse had the speed of your tongue, and   so good a   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   continuer. But keep your way, I' God's name; I have done.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   BEATRICE:  Ã‚  Ã‚   You always end with a jade's trick: I know you of old.    Were the reader to judge the relationship between the characters solely by the above lines, they would come to the conclusion that these characters much disliked, if not hated each other.   This is most likely not the case.   In today's world, with its knowledge of psychology, we are aware that this behaviour is   most likely a cover-up for other feelings.   In fact, many relationships begin with the parties involved denying attraction to each other Love, Hate, and Marriage in Much Ado About Nothing :: Much Ado About Nothing Essays Love, Hate, and Marriage in Much Ado About Nothing      Ã‚   In William Shakespeare's comedy "Much Ado About Nothing", the characters Beatrice and Benedick are involved in what could only be called a "love/hate" relationship.  Ã‚   The play is a classic example of this type of relationship, and allows us to view one from the outside looking in.        Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Both Beatrice and Benedick are strong-willed, intelligent characters, who fear that falling in love will lead to a loss of freedom and eventually heartbreak.   This causes them to deny their love for each other and it is only through the machinations of other characters in the play that their true feelings emerge.   When these feelings are finally acknowledged, both characters are changed, but the changes are subtle.   They are neither drastic nor monumental.   Both remain who they were before, but now they the two are one. They gain everything and lose nothing.   Whether or not their love would have bloomed without the help of their friends, we will never know.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In the beginning of the play, Beatrice and Benedick do not seem to like each other very much, if at all.   This can be seen in Act I; Scene I, (line 121- 131):      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   BENEDICK:  Ã‚  Ã‚   God keep your ladyship still in that mind! so some   gentleman   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   or other shall 'scape a predestinate  Ã‚  Ã‚   scratched face.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   BEATRICE:  Ã‚  Ã‚   Scratching could not make it worse, an 'twere such   a face as   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   yours were.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   BENEDICK:  Ã‚  Ã‚   Well, you are a rare parrot-teacher.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   BEATRICE:  Ã‚  Ã‚   A bird of my tongue is better than a beast of yours.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   BENEDICK:  Ã‚  Ã‚   I would my horse had the speed of your tongue, and   so good a   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   continuer. But keep your way, I' God's name; I have done.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   BEATRICE:  Ã‚  Ã‚   You always end with a jade's trick: I know you of old.    Were the reader to judge the relationship between the characters solely by the above lines, they would come to the conclusion that these characters much disliked, if not hated each other.   This is most likely not the case.   In today's world, with its knowledge of psychology, we are aware that this behaviour is   most likely a cover-up for other feelings.   In fact, many relationships begin with the parties involved denying attraction to each other

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Biochemical Cycles

INTRODUCING WITH BIOCHEMICAL CYCLES Biochemical cycles Nutrients are important for organisms to function. Each nutrient has a role in global biogeochemical cycles. A nutrient is a chemical that organisms need to live and grow and are substances an organism's uses for metabolism which must be taken in from its environment that enrich the organism. Two types of nutrients are macronutrients and micronutrients. Macronutrients are needed in large quantities while micronutrients are needed in smaller quantities.A biogeochemical cycle moves chemical element between living, and nonliving parts in the environment. I will describe the water cycle, explaining the major processed involved and the relationship of micronutrients. There are five major global biogeochemical cycles, each with a different function and relationship to micronutrients. They can be classified as either gaseous, sedimentary, or hydrololic. The water cycle is a hydrologic cycle that moves water in the biosphere through evap oration, condensation and precipitation.Two sedimentary cycles are the sulfur and phosphorous cycle. Their main reservoirs are in soil and rock sediments. Sulfur enters the cycle as hydrogen sulfide and is oxidized to sulfur dioxide. Sulfur dioxide and water vapor makes sulfuic acid in the rainfall. It is then absorbed by plant roots and turned into amino acids traveling through the food chain and released by decomposition. In the phosporous cycle, phosporours is released through erosion or mining. It is then absorbed by roots and then travels through the food chains and returned to sediment.When the main reservoir of the nutrient is the atmosphere it is considered a gaseous cycle. The carbon and nitrogen cycles are gaseous cycles. Carbon enters the environment during photosynthesis and is returned through cellular respiration. Nitrogen enters the cycle by nitrogen fixation and results in ammonia and nitrates that are carried to the Earth by precipitation. Once they entered into the soil they are absorbed by plants. Micronutrients are needed in each of the biogechemical cycles to help convert, absorb, or facilitate each cycle.Water is essential to all organisms and has a major impact on global processes. The hydrologic cycle begins with the evaporation of water from the ocean. Evaporation is caused by solar energy. The ocean is the major reservoir in the water cycle. It contains 97% of the water in the biosphere. As moist air is lifted, it cools and water vapor forms. Moisture is then moved around the atmosphere until it returns to the Earth's surface as precipitation. Once water reaches the surface it becomes groundwater.Groundwater either seeps back into the oceans, rivers, and streams, or absorbed by plants. The leaves and stems put water back into the atmosphere through a process called transpiration. Transpiration accounts for approximately ten percent of all evaporating water returning to the cycle. Biogeochemical cycles are pathways which macronutrients , micronutrients, or other molecules move through the biosphere, litosphere, hydrosphere, and atmosphere. These nutrients are recycled and passed from one organism to another and from one part of the biosphere to another through biogeochemical cycles.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Ge Healthcare India

akManagement 3040 Understanding the International Environment of Firms GE Healthcare in India: An Ultrasound Strategy? Introduction GE Healthcare India, a joint venture between General Electric and the Indian multinational Wipro Ltd. , was the market leader in the ultrasound machine market with sales growth of 10% for the previous fiscal year in 2007. The enormous market potential and General Electric’s successful low-cost operations fitted well with the aggressive sales strategy that the corporation had established.Solely on a business point of view, GE Healthcare India had tremendous growth potentials in the still developing market, but the social side of ultrasound machines was threatening to kill the future of the industry. Initial Conditions General Electric entered India in the 1980s and â€Å"early investments by GE in India gave their technology and business-service sectors crucial credibility and cash when other companies still viewed the country as a risky backwater . Many even credit then GE CEO Jack Welch with fueling the economic boom that would come to India in the 1990s. GE Healthcare joint-ventured with Wipro Corporation, India’s third largest software provider, and their activities included the design and manufacture of ultrasound scanners and cardiology products; sales and service of medical imaging and information technology products; parts and services logistics; software services and technology solutions; training-in-partnership programs; and design, sourcing, and manufacture of diagnostic imaging systems.As a venture in India with $100 million in revenues, GE Healthcare was the country’s largest medical systems sales and service provider, outpacing its competitors which included Toshiba, Siemens, Philips, and Mindray International Medical. The company began manufacturing and selling ultrasound machines in India in the 1990s, and took advantage of Wipro’s robust and extensive distribution and service networks to deliver its product to approximately 80% of its customers. The company’s diagnostic equipment sales in India had risen to $250 million by 2006.Ultrasound technology was the most profitable market for GE Healthcare and was used in early detection of fetal defects or complications during childbirth; diagnosis of gallbladder disease or obstructions; evaluation of blood flow in blood vessels; identifying abnormal structures or functions in the heart; detecting kidney stones and measuring the blood flow through the kidney; detecting prostate cancer early; and increasingly, ultrasound was used in emergency room diagnoses.GE Healthcare had helped introduce ultrasound technology into the rural areas of India where only 20% of India’s hospitals are located although 70% of the population resides there. GE was also making significant inroads into providing affordable and quality health care technology to Indian patients. Having ultrasound available in rural areas had cut costs tr emendously for patients as well as fear, as the diagnostic tests were performed in the comfort of their own villages. Many more people were getting medical attention they needed.A major social issue was the use of ultrasound machines as tools in prenatal gender determination and the resulting abortions of female fetuses. The 2001 Indian census revealed that there were only 927 girls to every 1000 boys, compared to 962 girls to 1000 boys twenty years earlier. A December 2006 UNICEF report stated that 7 000 fewer girls than expected were born daily in India. A study by the British medical journal â€Å"Lancet† indicated â€Å"that prenatal sex determination and selective abortion probably accounted for nearly all the deficit in the number of girls born as second or third children after previous female births. If such trends continued, many social scientists predicted social upheaval, even war. In India many families preferred sons to daughters for a variety of reasons, includi ng cultural taboos. Boys continued the family name and bloodline, earned money, looked after the family, and took care of parents in their old age, while girls were just a burden that was to be deployed to another family when the child became of age. In Hindu tradition, a son was supposed to light his parents’ funeral pyre so literally almost from creation to cremation, women are discriminated against.Even before the development of modern technology, baby girls were often the victims of infanticide: left to die or killed shortly after birth by gruesome means. Infanticide decreased with the introduction of ultrasound machines as aborting female fetuses became commonplace. There were no Hindu restrictions on abortion, and only minimal legal constraint. The Indian government has tried to pass many laws restricting sex selection. The Pre-natal Diagnostic Techniques Act in 1996 banned the use of technology, such as ultrasounds and sonograms for the purpose of sex-selective abortio n.With the ineffectiveness of the Pre-natal Diagnostic Techniques Act, the government started a â€Å"Respect for Girls† campaign through which mothers with daughters received twice as much money as the mothers of boys. Some districts provided girls from poor families a place to live, free schooling and supplies. Currently, GE Healthcare has a number of cases against it and is fighting in court to clear its name. The company was accused of selling ultrasound machines to â€Å"quacks,† as it offered cheap credit that made the machines affordable to most doctors.The company faced legal issues, intense government restrictions, pushback from activities for what they considered its aggressive sales tactics, and a myriad of business problems. The company had taken steps to minimize illegal use of the machines. It had educated its salespeople about the government restrictions, required affidavits from its customers stating that they would not use the machines to predetermine a fetus’ sex, and conducted frequent audits to ensure that its clients were in compliance.In 2004, the first year that GE Healthcare took these steps, the company admitted that its sales had shrunk by 10%, particularly in the low-end Indian market but sales had rebounded by 2006. Analysis India is a fast developing country, with a large population, where healthcare needs are growing at a rapid rate. Continued development of the country’s infrastructure allows for companies to reach the large market of 70% of the population that lives in the rural areas. Low frequency of hospitals in the country side is a potential problem, but as industrialization spreads, the number of hospitals will increase.Sales in the ultrasound industry for GE Healthcare were up by 10% and a projected 20% for the following year looked more than achievable. GE’s joint-venture with Wipro Corporation puts the company as a forerunner in the ultrasound market as it takes advantage of Wipro†™s robust and extensive distribution and service networks. The $77 million ultrasound industry is set to grow further and GE Healthcare is in pole position to lead the pack. The social unrest against ultrasound machines due to the rising abortion rates of female fetuses threatens to slow down the industry.The high rate use of the machine to check the gender of fetuses undermines the other very helpful uses that the ultrasounds provide. Government regulations against ultrasounds and the â€Å"Respect for Girls† campaign provide tough road blocks for all major players. GE Healthcare is at a cross road where it has to choose between revenue and social responsibility. Or be able to distinguish itself from the misuse of ultrasound machines and prove that this is a government, not an industry problem. A decision over whether the production of ultrasound machines in such an environment fits with GE’s mission and values is vital to be made.Would GE’s strong position l ead it to a sudden and fast fall or would it help lead the company out of this mess? Such a peculiar situation seems to have major road blocks at all directions. Options The success of GE Healthcare in the ultrasound industry and its recent increase in revenue provide a strong case for the company to continue implementing its aggressive sales strategy. The company is leader in industry revenue and sales and has access to a well developed distribution network, unlike its competitors. The advantage gained in the past decade is hard to be given up.A continuation of the current strategy has a few benefits. First and foremost, the company headquarters will be pleased that their target goal is being pursued and, possibly, achieved. This will increase the interest in India and provide larger investments that could help expand the business exponentially. Having the funds to utilize the enormous future potential of the industry would expand the gap between GE Healthcare and its competitors a nd establish it as the undisputed number one in the ultrasound Indian market.If a rise of 10% occurred during economic times that were becoming more and more difficult in the Western world, than India’s importance to the company headquarters could become enormous. While the company might sustain a decrease in revenue elsewhere in the world, in India it can rely on a steady growth that could help stabilize the global impact of the recession. Cheap labor costs, and potential increase in sales due to the opening of more and more hospitals, can even help GE Healthcare surpass that 20% target growth rate. Another major positive that would result from this strategy is that it will help India with its social problems.Every society has its flaws and banning something that is very helpful because of the actions of some people seems wrong. Ultrasounds are used for many more things other than scanning for the gender of a fetus. Major medical uses include diagnosis of gallbladder disease or obstructions; evaluation of blood flow in blood vessels; identifying abnormal structures or functions in the heart; detecting kidney stones and measuring the blood flow through the kidney; detecting prostate cancer early; and increasingly, ultrasound was used in emergency room iagnoses. All of these procedures may help relieve pain and save many lives, especially in the rural areas of the country. With an increased pressure by the popularity of ultrasound machines, the government would be forced to finally start implementing its laws and decrease substantially the illegal use of the machines. A company should not be held responsible for illegal uses of its otherwise very beneficial product, and the Indian government should understand that and deal with the matter appropriately.On the other hand, a negative social and governmental response could damage GE Healthcare’s strong industry positions. The higher you are, the further you fall, and as the company is an industry lea der, it could suffer the most significant losses when compared to its competitors. Social pressure to stop the use of ultrasound machines could spread and turn into anger against the companies producing the machines. When children’s lives are at stake, nothing is more important, even in the Indian society where there is a clear negativity against girl babies.It often happens that social problems of a society are transferred onto innocent businessmen and kill off a large money-making industrial sector. Another option that the company could take is to stop giving out cheap credit to customers that can’t afford to buy the machine in one installment. Such an option could turn out to be a double-edged knife, but it could help the company gain some much needed ground with the government. A decrease in sales might follow, but the brand GE will be preserved and disassociated from the baby girl problem that India has faced for centuries.The biggest advantage of taking such a ro ute would be to ease off the social pressure from local scientists that GE Healthcare receives. The company is currently accused of exploiting the demand for boy children and such negative publicity hurts the corporation’s image in the grand scheme. Customers that tend to use credit to buy ultrasound machines are usually those that practice medicine by themselves and not in a hospital and are more prone to doing illegal practices. Currently India has very few hospitals in the rural areas which leaves many people with limited health care.But as the country continues its rapid development, more and more hospitals will open which would bring a whole new market to the industry. The new hospitals would want good publicity and would not want to be associated with companies that sell their products to â€Å"quacks. † Although in the short run sales will suffer, in the long run such a strategy seems to bring more benefits than harm. A much needed good publicity will not only h elp the company repair its image, but it could also help with the judicial problems that GE Healthcare is currently under.A decrease in sales to people that can’t afford an ultrasound system would most likely reduce the illegal practices of ultrasound machines in the rural areas and ease off the pressure a little bit that the industry faces. Sometimes it is more beneficial to suffer a temporary setback and preserve what you have, than to keep pushing and lose everything. A completely different approach available to GE Healthcare is the discontinuation of ultrasound machines. Although this is the company’s best selling product, a stoppage of sales would completely erase the social pressure and prompt the company to focus on its other products.Losing ground in one place could sometimes pave a path for expansion in other areas. Obviously, the most important advantage of discounting the sale of ultrasound machines would be that many more girl fetuses will be saved and the company would be doing the right moral thing. At the end of the day, saving lives is the greatest thing tanyone could do, and not many options to do so can be bypassed. Such a move would most likely help terminate all court cases that the company faces and free it to exploit other marketing options.It is very hard to pay attention to other industries when one casts such a large shadow over them. That is exactly what ultrasound machines seem to be doing due to their high demand and wide use. The biggest disadvantage would undoubtedly be the enormous loss of sales and the loss of ground to industry competitors that could affect other medical sectors as well. Not to be overlooked is the enormous market growth that lies ahead of this large country’s future. Business is run to make money, and such opportunities don’t present themselves very often.GE Healthcare’s joint-venture with Wipar could also suffer as the local company would see no benefit to continue business with a company that crumbles under social pressure. It will most likely break off and look to pair up with a different industry player, leaving GE without Wipar’s distribution network. Recommendations What should the company do to meet its goals, remain socially responsible, and get over its court cases and media bombardment? It is very difficult to make a decision when so many factors are in place and so much lies on the line.Are money or the unborn babies more important? Would a retreat ease off the killings of girl fetuses? And would other companies follow suit and drop off or ride the storm and reap the benefits from the distant brighter future? Usually, at the end of the storm, there is a golden sky. The brave prevail and the weak crumble and don’t ever regroup. GE Healthcare is currently in a very strong position in a growing industry that will bring enormous profits for the company in the future. It is not selling anything dangerous, but rather a product that sa ves lives everywhere around the world.GE Healthcare has helped India with its sudden economic rise in the 1980s and 1990s, and there is no reason for it to run away when it is in such a profitable decision. The recent 10% revenue increase rate shows that the industry is very healthy with a lot of potential. A very large part of the Indian population is currently not provided for medically, which is an enormous potential market. The current tough economic times around the world would slow down sales elsewhere, but not in a country that is developing in such a fast rate, especially medically.GE Healthcare is more than able to meet its goals and continue improving and innovating and gain even more ground in the ultrasound industry. The biggest and only real issue that the whole industry faces is the significantly lower numbers of girls being born when compared to boys. Many social scientists blame the ultrasound machines for this and tend to overlook the cruel and gruesome ways that fa milies have found to put to death already born babies. The problem is not current, but rather centuries old, long before GE decided to enter the Indian market.Most importantly, this is a social and governmental problem. GE Healthcare is not a government entity to be expected to be socially responsible for everything, although it is trying its best to do so. Campaigns like â€Å"Respect for Girls† that are aimed at increasing social awareness of a rising problem are exactly what the government and not GE Healthcare should do. If the company decides to pull away of the industry, there is no guarantee that its current competitors would do the same. In fact, it is far more likely that they take advantage of the new potential customers and make GE’s pull out pointless.But even if the whole industry gets banned, which is highly unlikely, the Indian families will sadly find ways to continue their centuries old traditions and seek baby boys instead of girls. One thing that the company should do to ease off the media pressure and meet its image of being socially responsible is to raise its credit interests and force cheap doctors to stop buying for illegal purposes. The affidavits that the company makes all customers sign shows that the company is aware of the social problem and is helping out in any way it can.It can also emphasize on the other important uses of ultrasound machines and make people aware of the enormous health benefits that the machine provides. GE Healthcare has done a lot for India, being one of the first foreign businesses to enter and invest in the country. It has paved the way for other companies to enter the country in many different industries and India should be grateful to GE for helping it jump-start its development and not blame it on social issues that have existed for a long time.At the end of the day, the company entered India to make money. It is doing so by providing the country with a product that can decrease the mortali ty rate and increase the average lifespan of people if used correctly. It is also morally responsible by keeping track of its machines and trying to sell them only to qualified customers. An increase in the credit rate for those that need it to buy the machines could decrease media pressure and prove that GE Healthcare is doing whatever it can to remain socially responsible and keep a positive brand image.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Vacant Chapter 10 Decision

When I finally look at the clock, I notice it's been seven hours since I ran out on Emily and my feelings. As I look out in front of me, the gray asphalt blurring with yellow and white lines, I make the decision to keep going. I don't want to be the one to ruin her. No matter how far I drive, I come to the same conclusion over and over again. I must have given Emily some sign of my feelings for her. It was never my intention. I'm a stock boy at a grocery store. She needs someone to take care of her†¦buy her all the things she's never had. She doesn't need an orphaned schmuck with less money than common sense. Usually, forty-eight hours doesn't seem like a whole lot. However, it's the longest I've been away from Emily in the time I've known her. It's hard for me to believe I've only known her such a short time because she's my whole life. How can your whole life be consumed by one person you haven't known your entire life? Since I don't know the answer to that, I keep driving. It's Friday the 13th. I hadn't actually realized it until I stopped for gas, and the lady in front of me was writing a check. She asked what the date was. The attendant answered her in a gleeful, yet macabre tone. Can one celebrate Friday the 13th? If today is the thirteenth though, that means I've been sleeping in my car for six days. Six days without her beautiful eyes. Six days without hearing the slight lilt in her voice. Six days since she told me she loved me, and I left her – like a thief in the night. Six days of thinking about kissing, touching and holding Emily. It's the only thing I've thought about. Suddenly, it hits me: I know exactly what the raccoon from yesterday felt like as the wheels of the truck ahead of me rolled over him crushing him from the outside in.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

5 Performance Objectives of Wegmans

Performance objectives of Wegmans Today I decided to do my presentation about Wegmans main performance objectives, first of all I will describe what exactly Wegmans Company is and what are 5 objectives of operations. Wegmans Food Markets, Inc. is a privately-held, family owned company that was founded in 1916 by the Wegman family. Based in Rochester, NY, they have raised the bar on the customer shopping experience. The company prides itself on offering exceptional customer service, high quality goods, an abundance of choice, restaurant-quality prepared foods, and beautiful stores and displays.Wegmans has appeared on Fortune's annual â€Å"100 Best Companies to Work For† list since its inception in 1998, and has ranked among the top 10 for eight consecutive years. And about performance objectives I can say that it is a generic set of performance and indicators that can be used to set the objectives or judge the performance of any type of operation. There are 5 main performance objectives: Quality – â€Å"Doing things right†. Quality is very important aspect for customer satisfaction or dissatisfaction, it's all about providing error free goods and services.Speed – â€Å"Doing things fast† to minimize the time between the order and the availability of the product or service that gives the customer a speed advantage. Dependability –â€Å"Being on time†, means that customers will get their goods and services when they are promised. Flexibility – â€Å"Changing what they do†. It's about that organizations can change their products and services and change the way they do business. Cost – â€Å"Doing things cheaply†. Low price is a universal attractive objective to customers, which can be achieved by producing goods at lower costs.Let’s begin discussion about Wegmans performance objectives. Quality as I already said is most important from these five and of course it’s important for this company as well. The most important thing employers are doing is prevent problems from occurring in the first place by carefully partnering with suppliers who understand their expectations. Be it a grower, a Wegmans brand manufacturer or a seafood supplier, company makes it its business to know suppliers well, visiting their fields or facilities whenever possible.If a supplier is making a product for Wegmans lebel, they must either be inspected by Wegmans' own Quality Assurance Auditors or must be certified against one of seven â€Å"Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI)† endorsed manufacturing standards. The first shipment of any new Wegmans brand product is scrutinized by company's Quality Assurance staff to be sure it meets product specifications and food safety requirements. Tests are conducted in Wegmans Test Kitchen lab, or if necessary, by independent laboratories. Additional sampling and testing is done periodically, sometimes prompted by customer or employee comments.Company also pays attention on friendly environment. Each store manager sets the tone for the warm, friendly work environment that employees expect when they work for Wegmans. And in turn, employees greet their customers with warm, friendly, helpful attitudes, which is crucial for any business whose employees regularly interact with customers. So as we can see Company cares much about safety and high quality of products, because the owners of the business know well that high quality can influence customer satisfaction and lead to stable and efficient processes.For Wegmans Company it is very important to produce services and goods as fast as possible, and for this they are doing their best. As we know for fast production it's important to have very good, qualified employees and good, modern technologies. So Wegmans company cares much about staff which works there, Wegmans’ Chairman Robert Wegman state that: â€Å"Respect, fairness, honesty, and concern are whatâ€⠄¢s important to people. To my way of thinking, the only way to achieve great customer service is by treating employees right.They have qualified employees in technic and production departments and also they have different training programs for providing better performance of the staff. Wegmans puts a huge emphasis on being an innovator in retail technology. In 1974, Wegmans was one of the first companies to introduce bar-code scanning, and in 1990 Wegmans introduced electronic discounts. The company launched its web site, wegmans. com in 1996. The site not only helps customers save time and money through its on-line ad, but also offers meal solutions, recipes, and even provides the ability to apply for jobs within the company.According to all these company is providing fast production and this is a huge way for the company success. Dependability is extremely important factor for customer trust and satisfaction, as i checked Wegman's has strong position in it too. Customers are much satisfied how fast the company delivers its products, they love to go for shopping in Wegmans, some of them even said that: â€Å"A trip to Wegman's is better than a trip to an amusement park†. All these is caused because firm provides additional ervices such as internet shops, which means that you can check out Wegmans products and services online, and even buy there, so save time by this, they also have recipes how to cook many different type and delicious food, they even provide these service by internet, if you go on their online page you can see many videos, about how to cook different foods, so as one Wegmaniac put it, â€Å"Shopping at Wegman's is an experience. † In addition to a unique shopping experience, including one-third of the space devoted to prepared foods, with another 15,000 sq. ft. or a liquor department, a 300-seat cafe, 70,000 products and some 30 checkout lanes, Wegmans brought relocated 75 Rochester employees to Massachusetts to ensure customer s are treated the way Wegmans wants them to be treated. As an addition i would like to say that company managers said that for them it's very important to know their consumer base and understand the demand. There's so much diversity in Wegman's markets these days, they need to know who their customers are and give them what they want. They said they have to give them not only what they are familiar with, but also explore other products that might not be a mainstream item.And in their case, that's unique vegetables and fruits. Flexibility helps the firm to change over between tasks quickly and without wasting time and capacity. Wegmans provide good flexibility, as the firm is changing over time, they are doing researches and are changing by customer needs, they can change techniques, operations, they are producing new products, are offering many different services. For example last year they did a research and find out that they can be successful in growing certain varieties of organ ic produce in the northeast.CEO of the firm also said that last year they explored new techniques called a hoop house. It's a metal frame with a plastic cover, and there they grow heirloom tomatoes and it was very successful. Every month they are offering new food products and for special celebration days they have special recipes, for example for thanksgiving day they offer which Turkey to choose, how to cook it, with what ingredients and so on, all these staff is very likable for customers and that's a another factor why it is so popular.And the final objective cost is described For Wegmans as follows, they are trying in all ways to keep medium costs and at this time keep all the customers as well. They are doing this very well, because they have many tools for this, for example at a time when commodity and fuel costs are rising dramatically, Wegmans Food Markets announced that it will not increase prices on 40 products that families buy most, to help customers and employees manag e their grocery costs. â€Å"We considered the importance of an item to a family when choosing our list of 40,† said President Colleen Wegman. Such things as bananas, pasta, frozen vegetables, and laundry detergent are in most shopping carts every week. They are products that families can’t do without, so what they pay for these items really matters. † The 40 products they selected to hold prices on were those that families buy week in and out. They were mostly Wegmans brand. Why? They have better access to information on the factors that determine costs for their own brand. Their quality makes them already the best value in their categories, and they’re often the top-selling brand.Another good example of cost leadrship of Wegmans is that, In November of 2008, many families were feeling the economic shock of their lives as the nation’s financial system teetered, jobs melted away, and household budgets shrank. Wegmans announced a decision to lower hu ndreds of prices on frequently purchased products. If customers and employees were facing leaner times, the company reasoned, Wegmans should also live with leaner times. So by performance objectives described above we can see that Wegmans is successful company and is doing best for its customers.

Personal and Professional Development for Business Essay

Personal and Professional Development for Business - Essay Example In the recent years, MBA programs have been construed as general education in the practice of managing rather than specialized training in the functions of business; however, Henry Mintzberg, one of the leading influential teachers of business strategy argues that â€Å"Management is, above all, a practice where art, science and craft meet†. In light of this statement, this paper aims to provide a critical analysis of the value of management education from a range of perspectives. In today’s complex and highly challenging global business environment, business leaders are predominantly engaged with the task of transforming nondescript firms into a billion dollar corporations. Tough business environment conditions and emerging trends in the traditional business world have created a knowledge gap that business schools have ardently strived to fill through management education. Through management education, business schools are seriously rethinking the concept of leadership with a special focus on the need to train the next-generation managers (Uba, 2011); the training seeks to raise a breed of next-generation managers fully equipped with knowledge and skills to deal with the emerging global challenges in the business world. The need for such training is justified by the dynamic nature of modern enterprise; traditional managers rarely had to move past the basics of what was taught and even then, the scope was often limited to their immediate environment. The need to raise a breed of next generation managers who have been equipped with the necessary tools to deal with the emerging business challenges is the underlying importance of Management education. In addition to that, management education directly correlates with business and economic development because it highlights key essential areas of focus in the global business environment. For instance, corporate social responsibility and corporate sustainability have been flagged as essential elements i n business management today thanks to Management education (Uba, 2011). Business management has taken on a much broader meaning in today’s workplace in response to globalization that has resulted into new complexities and interdependence between multinational corporations, the environment and society. Many companies have become multinationals and they are required to compete in environments radically different from the ones in which the managers were trained. For these reason, they must be flexible so they can tackle the new social political and legal challenges that will unequivocally come their way, such versatility can only achieved through intense and progressive training. Given the myriad complexities and interconnectivity at the workplace in response to globalization, business management in the 21st century tends to take on a multi-faceted approach that calls for integrative business tools. Management education provides an avenue for managers to adapt to the changes at the workplace by building their capacity to deal with emerging complexities and challenges of interconnectivity. Managers are put to task to meet their fiduciary responsibility to both customers and shareholders, while paying close attention to environmental, socio-cultural and political considerations at the workplace. The role of management education is to empower managers to execute these roles effectively and efficiently to lead their organizations into achieving optimum results and excellent success. Management education helps shape the attitudes and behaviour of business leaders through a number of ways; the most prominent way in which management education does this is through business education, research and management programmes. Management educ